All applicants seeking a driver's license in Wyoming DOT must pass a test. There are various tests necessary, including a written exam, visual screening, and a practical driving one.
Wyoming testing is only available in English, and if you are unable to communicate in English, the DMV permits you to invite an interpreter.
Everyone who applies must be at least 15 years old. There are 50 questions in all, 40 of which must be answered correctly. Whenever driving you should pay attention to traffic signs and state laws.
Written Tests
In case you have never passed an examination in any other state, the current license has expired or you haven’t driven for about two years you have to pass a written exam.
The examination consists of questions and varies based on the type you want to obtain. It may also include questions about seat belt use and other laws pertaining to driving on Wyoming roads.
There are special manuals for the preparation of any class:
You have to score at least 80% to succeed.
Oral Tests
The applicants who have any issues with reading can make a request to pass an oral test. The committee will voice the questions orally through a phone system. There is also an option to hear and meanwhile read the text. To do this, ask the examiner beforehand to connect you to the oral system.
If you don’t score 80% or more you can ask to repeat it. The committee enables applicants to try the same written quiz twice a day.
On the test day have the following documents with you:
Driving Skills Test
You are required to bring your own vehicle. In most cases, you will be required to reserve the date in advance to avoid long waits. Any local office may have different alternatives, therefore it's best to consult them before going to take a test. Make sure your vehicle is licensed, registered, and insured.
Other requirements for your car are as follows:
Seat belts for the driver and front-seat passengers are a must.
The vehicle must be in good working order. Check your brakes and lights, as well as your windshield.
When driving for the committee, you must demonstrate your knowledge of stoplights, junctions, and general traffic rules. There may be several instances in which you must demonstrate safe driving skills. If you have a problem with state legislation, you will automatically fail the exam and be offered to repeat it.
In case of failure
According to state law, depending on the agency, you may be required to wait a certain amount of time before retaking the exam. In general, they provide you with additional opportunities to practice. They may give you detailed info on what you have been doing wrong. If you failed the written exam, you may have to wait for a shorter time than for driving.